DTM- (Digital Terrain Model, i.e. No buildings or foliage) Lying just to the west of Newhaven Fort (1548AD) is the once thought destroyed (looking at it you’d still think so) contour hillfort, Castle Hill. (Area also known as Burrow Cliff or Burrow Head) Investigations in 2000AD by Archaeology South East found earthworks spanning Prehistoric to modern periods. Called ‘Mitching Camp’ in the 17th century. 1st excavated in 1935. Finds from 1935 and 2000 include Neolithic Ware pottery, a Bronze Age hoard of woodworking tools, Romano British Sherds and Roman coins. A small Iron Age bowl excavated here can be found in the Lewes Museum. Iron Age tribal association (conjecture based on location): Regni (Scheduled Monument)