Chun Castle
DTM- (Digital Terrain Model, i.e. No buildings or foliage) Overlooking the village of Pendeen, 2 km to the west lies the bivallate, walled, partial contour hillfort, Chun Castle. Excavated in 1895, 1925, 1927, 1930 and 1956. Construction up to 400BC. Large occupation date range. (no C14 data). Large furnace discovered. Deep well found. Two-chambered house excavated. Finds include: 'Duck-stamped' Pottery, muller (grain grinder), slingstones, flint chips, 3 x spindle whorls, a section of shale bracelet, iron & tin slag. Four early buildings found. Finds include, hammer stones, flint flakes, glass fragments and Roman pottery. Outside of fort there are remains of huts (The Crellas) and a road, guarded on either side by large stones. Possible re-occupation between 550-650 AD based on pottery evidence (recovered in 1956 in upper strata of ditch-fill). Last site visit by hillfort study group in 2006. Iron Age tribal association (conjecture based on location): Dumnonii (Scheduled Monuments) [Any descriptive text attributed to the Atlas of Hillforts & Historic England websites]